Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане


24 September 2004 - 15 October 2004


The Sofia Art Gallery presents Stoyan Illiev on his 70th anniversary. The exposition has a retrospective nature and includes paintings and sculptures from 1965 to the beginning of the year 2004. 
Stoyan Illiev belongs to that generation of Bulgarian authors who entered artistic life in the 60’s of the 20th century and is committed with significant changes in our art. 
With his very first artistic works of monumental impact, he attracted the audience’s attention.
Since mid-60’s, he has been a participant in a variety of joint art exhibitions and has organized one-man shows and since 1970 he has participated in graphic art, illustration and book layout exhibitions in Bulgaria, Italy, France, Russia, Czechoslovakia.
His inclination towards the monumental and conditional in the shape and color, towards the structure, the relief, the volume, the plane, the power and vibrations of the tint leads him to the creation of ceramic tessellations, wall paintings, sgraffito or wooden sculpture.


22 September 2004 - 10 October 2004


Transparency is the main quality of glass – the material that in the hands of Konstantin Vulchev can vary from a concrete object to its abstract reflection. The fifteen glass sculptures are ‘transparent’, but they also reflect the author’s discoveries – artistic metamorphoses of favorite styles or simply - objects. The carefully thought over and balanced cubist, expressive, art deco elements form part of the author’s provocations. His works emanate strength and softness, brilliance and color. In a feeling of feedback and perspective, the eye of the connoisseur can discover all this and feel the artist’s creative temperament and brilliant precision supported by solid technological knowledge.

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