Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане

Exhibition of the BAZA Award for contemporary art nominees: Kiril Kuzmanov, Kosta Tonev, Leda Ekimova, Maximilian Pramatarov, Pavel Lefterov, Zoran Georgiev

26 June 2012 - 22 July 2012

The exhibition marks the fifth release of the BAZA Award for contemporary art. It was established in 2008 on the initiative of the Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia and exists as a part of an international awards network for young artists based in New York City. Following the tradition, the exhibition of the nominees is realised with the cooperation of the SofiaCity Art Gallery and in one of its halls. The Award is unique for Bulgaria and comprises a six-week residency at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York City, and a solo exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) gallery in Sofia. The first four BAZA award winners are: Rada Boukova (2008), Samuil Stoyanov (2009), Anton Terziev (2010) and Vikenti Komitski (2011). Their experience from the residence in New York City already proved the efficiency of such awarding format because of the widening of the professional and fellow contacts, the invitations for participation in exhibitions in different countries as well as the knowledge gathered through the observation of the New York City art scene.

The aim of the nominees exhibition is to present the best of the work of each chosen artist and to give an idea about his or hers individual art preferences. In the upcoming exposition new works of art are predominant which were especially planned and realized for this occasion. 
The works of Zoran Georgiev focus on the topic for the way of artefacts through history and the working process perceived as a link between the making of art and the non-art activities. Leda Ekimova is interested in the human emotionality, expressing this through symbols of the body and organic materials. Kiril Kuzmanov explores the idea of the travelling, the moving and the image of the artist not as a tourist, but as a traveller. The youngest participant Pavel Lefterov joints the exhibition as an example for intense mastering of painting and direct look at the mass culture and consumer society. Maximilian Pramatarov is occupied with manipulation of documental images, adding sense changes through the technical means of photography. The works of Kosta Tonev show his long-time continuity in the assessment of words and terms based on postulates of the modern art history. 

In 2012 members of the jury are: Maria Vassileva (curator, chief curator of the Sofia City Art Gallery), Iara Boubnova (curator, director of ICA-Sofia), Nedko Solakov (artist), Boris Missirkov (photographer), Olivier Boissiere (contemporary art collector).


Zoran Georgiev was born in 1985 in Gevgelia, Republic of Macedonia. In 2012 graduates in painting at the National Academy of Art (NAA), under professor Andrei Daniel. Works on painting, video, installation and objects. Award winner for painting from the Competition for young artists, critics and curators of the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” international foundation. 

Leda Ekimova was born in 1980 in Svishtov. In 2004 graduates in Fashion at the NAA. Works as an artist,fashion designer and curator. Founder of the “Pistolet” gallery and the fashion label “Chaika”. In her art expressions she prefers the means of painting and installation.

Kiril Kuzmanov was born in 1981 in Sofia. In 2009 graduates in Sculpture at the NAA, under professor Emil Popov. In his work he experiments with interventions in the urban environment or exhibition spaces, using different means of expression. In 2009 he wins First price in the Turgusun Arts Festival, Kazakhstan. 

Pavel Lefterov was born in 1994 in Sofia. Studies at the National school for fine arts “Ilia Petrov”. Participates in several joint exhibitions, among which SAATCHI ONLINE at the exposition ARTPARIS JUST ART, Grand Palais March, Paris, 2011. Award winner from the Sixth national competition for academic painting, Sofia, 2010.

Maximilian Pramatarov was born in 1979 in Sofia. In 2002 he graduates in Theology at the Sofia University, and in 2011 - at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Works mainly in the area of photography, lately experimenting with the lenticular technique for 3D printing. In 2006 receives an award from the international magazine for photography and media artEIKON. 

Kosta Tonev was born in 1980 in Plovdiv. In 2004 he graduates in painting at the NAA, under professor Andrei Daniel. In 2008 graduates painting at the Academy of fine arts in Vienna. Works on painting, video, photography and installations. Known to the public through numerous participations in exhibitions in Bulgaria and worldwide.


14 June 2012 - 26 August 2012

Софийската градска художествена галерия представя най-новите постъпления във фондовете Живопис, Графика, Скулптура и Съвременно изкуство и фотография, приети през последните две години като откупки или дарения. По традиция от 2008 г. насам музеят се отчита с подобни изложби пред своята публика и показва политиката си по отношение попълването на колекцията.

Благодарение на финансовата подкрепа на Столична община през 2007 година галерията реализира първите след повече от 15 години откупки на художествени произведения. Оттогава всяка година с прецизна селекция във фондовете на музея влизат различни по характер творби. Даренията също са важен източник за обогатяване на колекцията. 

Както и досега, попълването върви в няколко посоки. Едната е издирване на класически произведения на българското изкуство, които липсват или не са достатъчно добре представени в колекцията (Никола Георгиев, Николай Ростовцев, Георги Велчев, Пенчо Балкански). Другата е проследяване развитието на автори, които се определят като утвърдени в българската художествена култура и пълноценното им показване изисква включване на работи от различни периоди на творческото им развитие (скулптурите Томас Кочев и Емил Попов, графика Иван Нинов, живописците Йоан Левиев, Румен Скорчев, Андрей Даниел, Греди Асса). Селекцията обръща специално внимание на поколението художници, което се утвърждава след втората половина на 80-те години и поради трудния преходен период остава извън музейните колекции (Румен Жеков, Долорес Дилова, Онник Каранфилиян, Васил Попов). Продължава линията на обогатяване на фондовете с млади живописци (Нина Русева, Александър Петков) и графици (Любомир Кръстев). Интересен акцент тази година представляват новопридобитите карикатури – една силно подценявана от музеите област на художествено изразяване (Алла и Чавдар Георгиеви, Чавдар Николов, Христо Комарницки, Стефан Десподов, Румен Драгостинов, Иван Кутузов). СГХГ продължава да попълва и своя фонд „Съвременно изкуство и фотография“, който е без аналог в българската музейна практика (Васил Симитчиев, Аделина Попнеделева, Недко Солаков, Даниела Костова, Нина Ковачева и Валентин Стефанов, Калин Серапионов, Борис Мисирков и Георги Богданов, Рада Букова и др.).

14 June 2012 - 26 August 2012

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