Project: LESEDRA Gallery
Co-organizer: Sofia Art Gallery
In November 2001, the requirements for participation in the exhibition of the Lesedra virtual gallery were announced. Thanks to the already established contacts, information appeared in several specialized sites and in one of the most important editions for contemporary graphic art- The Printmake Today magazine. This prompted the participation of artists from 11 countries – a natural start. In the meantime, the exhibition has become popular among Bulgarian artists, with special attention to young authors and students; their participation is a high-quality one.
Result of the Internet contacts are the members of the international jury: Professor Catherine Reeves, Pardue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, the USA; Ms An Desmet, chief editor of the Printmaking Today magazine, London, Great Britain; Professor Barbara Madsen, Payson Gross School, Rudgers University, New Jersey, the USA; professor Akira Kurosaki, Seika University, Kyoto, Japan, and Professor Roumen Skorchev, Bulgaria.
The SAG participates in the present exhibition with works of the graphic fund collection. Small-scale graphic art works of some of the most important names in Bulgarian art from the first half of ХХ century are included: Pencho Georguiev, Gorge Papazov, Nikolay Raynov, Petar Morozov.
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