Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане

Nadezhda Oleg Lyahova VANITAS

05 October 2004 - 15 October 2004


The Vanitas Exhibition presents a performance of the same name and a series of Digital still lives.
Nadezhda Oleg Lyahova: "Without any claim for authorship but rather for co-compilation, I combine in the series of digital still lives an image taken from the street (a picture of a casually passing-by woman in a dress with painted flowers) with computer-generated background. The image is entirely technically reproduced and unites digital reality with “ordinary” reality. It juxtaposes chance in life with the infinite regularity of numbers. Again there’s the fundamental problem of finitude – a human figure against the infiniteness of the computer-generated background.
Digital still lives, reproducing an assembly reality, express the infinite bearing of finitude, filled with hope and fear. The Vanitas Performance offers a momentary reality, filled with the meaningless dignity of life in itself and presents an opportunity for direct physical participation in this moment."

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