Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане

MEETING POINT Kosta Tonev. The Full Image

26 November 2004 - 19 December 2004


“The full picture” project could be defined as a study of the ways through which visual perception overcomes the fragmentariness of image. This too general definition in fact refers to a series of ambiguous images created to lure the vision of an abstract plane between the fragment, active on its own and the whole picture. At the same time, they form a series of impossible and absurd situations. 
“The full picture” is the name of the exhibition’s central work. This is a photographic installation consisting of nine parts, ordered as a unit, like a puzzle makes a whole picture. Every single module of this picture contains the endless triviality of a situation, easy to recognize and decode. These are three identical kinescopes in different 
The concept in the photography named ‘One isolated moment’ has been constructed in a similar way. It depicts a girl in a ‘low start’ position. Contrary to all expectations, her whole pre-start impetus is directed towards a flat, white wall. 
The video ‘Switch Over’ is also a part of ‘The full picture’. Its object is a building in the center of Vienna, predominantly remarkable with its untypical length of 1.5 km. – completely in the characteristic spirit of socialist megalomania. The video documents a performance in which one person runs the whole distance of Karl Marx Hof. For the time for which he reaches its opposite end, the night is changed by day. 
The paradox comes from the common aim of all these optical illusions and provocations and it is the most objective re-discovery of truth. The very expression “the full picture” is like a model metaphor of “the whole truth”, which suggests exposure of the controversial reality. 

Svetlana Kuyumdjieva

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