Organizers: Geo Milev International Foundation, Sofia Art Gallery, Art gallery of Stara Zagora, Geo Milev Museum House of Stara Zagora
With the support of: The Municipality of Stara Zagora, The SS Cyril and Methodius International Foundation, The Democratic Network Association, AKB FORES (The Financial & Industrial Concern) PLc, BULGARGAS PLc
Curator: Ass. Prof. Rouzha Marinska
In 2005, 110 years from the birth of Geo Milev (1895-1925) will be celebrated. His name and activity as a poet, critic, editor, theatre figure and painter are connected in Bulgarian history with the peak of the development of modernism at the beginning of the 1920’s. The “Vezni” (“Balance”) - 1919-1922 and “Plamak” (“Flame”) - 1924 magazines edited by him became the uniting centre for the Bulgarian intellectuals, poets and artistst with radical views in the area of literature and art.
The exhibition features approximately 100 large-scale reproductions of Geo Milev’s works and the works of artists form his circle such as: Ivan Milev, Ivan Boyadjiev, Petar Dachev, Sirak Skitnik and others.
The art works are divided in five main themes:
The Ego; Gods and Rites; The Woman; The City; Music.
Lecture program (On Thursdays, 4 pm):
3 February - LEDA MILEVA: My father
10 February – Ass. Prof. ROUZHA MARINSKA, New Bulgarian University: The Artists from Geo Milev’s circle
17 February – Prof. SVETLOZAR IGOV, PhD, Institute of Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Geo Milev – The leader of Bulgarian Avant-garde
24 February – Ass. Prof. LACHEZAR KARANLUKOV, the ‘Pancho Vladigerov’ National Academy of Music: Bulgarian Music Art and European Modernism
10 March - Prof. MIROSLAV DACHEV, New Bulgarian University:
Geo Milev and Modern Poetry
17 March - VIOLETA DECHEVA, Senior research Associate IІ degree, Institute of Art Criticism, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:
Geo Milev and the Theatre as a Figure and Practice of Modernism
24 March – CATHERINA GADJEVA, PhD student at New Bulgarian University: Bulgarian Modernists and the photographer
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