Replaced categories, a flawed stereotype and lack of strict schematics pierce the space of the “Light” installation. Contrasting and mobile associations depict the new material shapes whose remote and subdued clarity is expressed in a new centre: the spectator is involuntarily turned into the moving force of the whole project. With the aid of a photo cell the presence of the spectator instantly makes each element alive, giving to it his/her own rhythm. Penetrating through the dimensions of time, the spectator is the one to add intensity that varies from moderately calm to overtly dynamical. The colours are warm and energetic. They are born from the darkness in the inalterable playful hue of the surprise.
The sphere of Vasilena Mihaylova is situated in the centre, rhythmically pulsating in the lively waves of the red. Acting as a nucleus and a symbol of the infinite source, it moves into the light of the perfect cosmos. The hidden creatures of Liuba Atanasova also gravitate towards the infinity. Symbols of the invisible presence, they unexpectedly become alive exceeding human height. Their active and burning gaze reminds the lurking eternal observers. Stern linearity defeated by the soft chaotic matter is presented by Rozaliya Ekimova. The geometry is atrophied and the clear, solid lines of matter are distorted, outlining a new and unknown dimension. The work of Monica Naydenova has evaded the boundaries of its static character and the harsh expressiveness of shapes. In it she intertwines the visible with the invisible with the aid of iron armature and transparent chiffon, elevating it in the shape of a spiral arc above the visitor. In the numerous rays, piercing the solid matter, Vulko Bekirski presents to us space- conquered, thoroughly infiltrated by the light. The shadow is already gone, giving way to the infinite power and absolutism of the light.
The sensation of a perfect unity and entireness of the concept is perceptible through the fine threads bonding the elements. Sank into seeming peace, they imperceptibly wash away the boundaries of the conceptions, drifting into a distant dream.
Juliya Karemova
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