Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане

MEETING POINT Assia Kovanova and Kamen Tanev. Genesis

09 November 2005 - 30 November 2005


Shape formation is the basic matter in Kamen Tanev’s creative work. The process of its differentiation in space follows its own inner logic. The latest trend in the sculptor’s artistic groping comes one step closer to the liberation of the shape from its creator’s will. As a perfect container, the sphere reincarnates the idea best. The spherical elements initially popped out in the author’s consciousness when he looked at tennis balls closed in vacuum. They evoke the impression of something organic, of a unique life form. Kamen has begun to explore these shapes in different types of space and in varying scales. In the present exhibition, the author is aiming at the maximum closeness with nature serving as the most suitable context for perception of its organic creatures. The metamorphoses they go through have been ‘shot’ by Assia Kovanova. The video allows the tracing of the shape-creation process forming a significant and inseparable part of the life of completed shapes in the exposition. The stages of their self-identification suggest that this phase may not be the last one. 

Yana Kostova
curator of the exhibition

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