Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
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milkopavlovthelargesizedrawings 2012-2030

25 November 2005 - 16 December 2005


In 2056 together with the celebration of 100 years of Milko Pavlov an attempt for the reconstruction of milkopavlovthebigpictures 2012-2030 from November 2005 at the Sofia Art Gallery in Sofia City, Bulgaria. The first real time discrepancy dates from the autumn of 2004. Images from 2019 and 2026 appeared as early as December and in January 2005, pictures from 2012 appeared and then followed more, dated 2016 and 2029. Thus, Resentimenti and Navigare appeared. In addition to them, parts of the Anamnesia cycle from 2003 are shown. 

As amazing it may sound, this is an attempt to pull one event, announced in advance, into the present. The painter poses questions about the present-future relation, which in the physical world are hard to break through, but on the other hand, we have the liberty to manipulate them in the world of ideas. The ‘present-future discrepancy’ method is widely popular in science fiction which impressed the author in his childhood, and what is more-contemporary physics cannot provide solutions for the time factor. One part of human thinking is not at all an attempt to construct the indescribable and the unreachable – an engine for the development of homo sapiens, as opposed to homo shopping. Causing future events is a willing or unwilling human strategy and the author realizes the relativity of such undertaking in the present exhibition. 

The art technique of frottage became popular in the 30s of the 20th century - at school, almost all of us had fun scribbling with a pencil on the school-desk and thus, copying the traces left by our schoolmates. On a large scale, the same technique creates completely different results. 

The first graphite frottage exhibition called “The Paradise Borders” was in 1998 at the XXL Gallery in Sofia, followed by the ‘Imitations’ exhibition at the АТА Center of Contemporary Art in 2000 and “Anamnesia” at the OMZ Gellary in Düsseldorf in 2003. 

The present exhibition is the fourth one into this direction. 10 large-scale graphite on paper pictures are exhibited. They play with scenes from a black &white movie that is not produced as the painter purposely uses the big screen format. The viewer can only wonder which the movie is. The one that starts from the edge of the paper sheet or the one of everyday life. The sheets can be regarded as pieces from the future shown today. This is confirmed by the pictures with dates existing only in theory.

Do not think that this is just a joke. A contract, stipulating that such exhibition will happen in the year of 2056 is undergoing elaboration, for which purpose the pictures will be left at the Sofia Art Gallery.

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