Tenyu Pindarev is one of the acknowledged senior artists among Bulgarian cartoonists. More than 60 years of creative activity have secured him an honorary place not only on the pages of all comic publications but also in the minds of thousands of viewers for whom the simplified, expressive humour has long become the trade mark of a unique and unforgettable style.
At the time he started his career as a cartoonist Tenyu Pindarev was already an accomplished artist and also a person with sensitive civil consciousness. The abrupt and curving line of his cartoons gains in spirituality from his dignified human stand that denies cruelty, injustice and hypocrisy, ridicules stupidity, loathes moral debauchery and sympathizes with the wrongly treated simplicity and goodness. His humour is sparing and forgiving and warmed by his understanding of the innocent vices of man.
He also works in the field of graphic art and is the author of a number of lithographic cycles. He illustrates books, comic literature mainly. He is the author of numerous posters as well as comic portraits of eminent Bulgarians.
The exhibition in Sofia Art Gallery is dedicated to his 85th anniversary and includes 70 works from different periods of his creative career. Among them are the cycles devoted to Aleko Konstantinov and Choudomir, some friendly comic portraits of famous people, mainly artists whom the author loved and respected as well as lots of cartoons on different topics, some of which have become emblematic as a reflection of important events in the political and spiritual world.
What presents a particular interest is the piece called At Stoyan Venev’s Jubilee Exhibition in 1964 which was created between 1998-2001. It includes 204 comic portraits of eminent culture makers of that period.
Tenyu Pindarev was born in 1921 in the town of Kazanluk. In 1946 he graduated in painting from the Academy of Arts under Professor Ilia Petrov. In 1948 he was appointed artistic editor in “Sturshel” newspaper where he worked until 1980. Then he spent four years on the editorial staff of “Caricature” magazine. He took part in numerous cartoon exhibitions at home and abroad – Gabrovo, Moscow, Berlin, Havana, Prague, Budapest etc. He has also got a prize for excellent presentation in Montreal and first prize from the international exhibition in Trento, Italy. Works of his are among the possessions of the National Art Gallery, the House of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo, the art galleries of Kazanluk, Plovdiv, Varna, Turgovishte, Razgrad and private home and foreign collectors. Holder of the Medal Order of Cyril and Methodius. Honorary citizen of the town of Kazanluk.
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