Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане

Neither a White Cube, nor a Black Box. History in Present Tense Exhibition of the Institute of Contemporary Art Sofia

07 November 2006 - 03 December 2006


The Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia was established in 1995. It is a private, non-profit NGO, an association of curators, artists and cultural theoreticians. It is dedicated to the study, understanding, promotion and practice of the visual arts of the late twentieth and early twenty first century. Its aim is to re-establish and promote the further open dialogue between cultures and art scenes. The history of ICA - Sofia is rooted in the professional partnership between friends who after 1989 shared a common vision about the transformed dynamics and aspects of art.

The goals of ICA-Sofia are focused on the development of the contemporary art scene in Bulgaria in relation to the world at large. The specific objectives refer to the further extension and strengthening of the relations with the international art world through a two directional and reciprocal exchange of artists, curators and critics, projects, etc. Which will not only "take" your/our home out into the world, but also bring "the world" back home.

The spectrum of ICA - Sofia activities consists of international and localexhibitions, publications, conferences, seminars, educational programs, lectures etc.

The current exhibition is the first considerable joint display of the artists members of ICA – Sofia: Luchezar Boyadjiev, Mariela Gemisheva, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Ivan Moudov (together with Sibin Vassilev), Kiril Prashkov, Kalin Serapionov, Nedko Solakov. Curators are Iara Boubnova and Maria Vassileva.The exhibition is going to show some early works (mostly unknown to the Bulgarian public and presenting the authors in a more global context) as well as works created for this particular event. 

The exhibition aims at acquainting the Bulgarian public not only with individual authors and concrete works but also with the overall concept behind the work of the institute.

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Vaska Emanuilova Gallery