Pavlin Kotsev painting01 June 2006 - 22 June 2006“ …… Pavlin Kotsev paints from life. MEETING POINT Borjana Ventzislavova. It Was Always Dark Outside31 May 2006 - 02 July 2006"It Was Always Dark Outside" - a project which presents a social problem through the means of art - a project about women who have become victims of human traffic from East Europe - a global industry based on human bodies -a theme neglected for a long time by the official authorities in our country -without a real or at least an adequate reaction from the society - on the contrary - rather a conflict with the stereotypes of (post-)patriarchic way of thinking - woman as a scapegoat of her own... light-mindedness? Tristan Jeanne-Vals. Phnix25 May 2006 - 02 July 2006In October 2000 the myth of the Phoenix, loaded with the cultural diversity of different epochs and being a solar symbol, an emblem of resurrection and a synonym of transformation, became the subject of a three day discussion conference at the University of Caen, Lower Normandy. The building itself, having been destroyed during the bomb raids over the town in 1944, was reconstructed and officially opened in 1957 with a bronze sculpture representing the legendary bird. Willing to elaborate on the topic, the Regional Council of Lower Normandy asked Tristan Jeanne Vales to give it visual interpretation. The author presented his idea of transformation and the eternal rebirth and revival of spirit and matter in 32 large-scale black-and-white photographs, which are the subject of the current exhibition. Nicolas Manev Painting11 May 2006 - 03 June 2006Nikola Manev is one of the Bulgarian artists whose work is associated with one of the greatest European cultural meccas. Born in the town of Chirpan (August 28th, 1940) and a graduate from the Art School in Sofia, he began his artistic training at Academie des Beaux Arts in Paris in 1962, where he graduated in painting under Professor Maurice Brianchon. An early recognition of his talent came as he won first prize at the Chenavard Art Competition. His life became an inseparable element of the rhythm of the European cultural stage. In 1981 he became a member of the Managerial Board of Autumn Salon, Paris. He was living and working at his studio in Ile Saint- Louis which became his refuge after all his adventurous journeys around the world (Arizona, Colorado, Tunisia, Geneva, London, Düsseldorf, Taiti, Frankfurt etc.). He has to his record more than 2500 works, most of which are in private or state-owned collections and in the museums of more than 25 countries. Georgi Popov - John. Painting, drawings, illustrations Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the artist28 April 2006 - 28 May 2006Georgi Popov – John /1906 – 1960/ is one of those Bulgarian artists whose creative development is associated with the artistic processes around Europe. He lived and worked during the first half of the 20th century. Unfortunately his name is not among the most popular ones in Bulgarian fine art and his diverse work has not been adequately promoted and thoroughly examined. URBAN LEGENDS20 April 2006 - 26 May 2006This is an exhibition which shows works dedicated to the city of Sofia. What they express is the authors’ reactions to the dynamic changes going on in the city over the past ten years. In line with the great social disturbances of a “society in transition” the face of the city is changing every day, every hour, every minute. Dessislava Mincheva Painting15 April 2006 - 05 May 2006Dessislava Mincheva is among the most prominent representatives of Bulgarian fine art. Her creative impulse is permanently directed towards the field of painting and drawing. The artist has made herself known through the genre of the portrait, composition, still life and landscape. virus virus ! Bertran Berrenger, Ltitia Carton, Baptiste Debombourg, Gerome Nox, Anne-Marie Rognon, Lionel Sabatt05 April 2006 - 16 April 2006Virus, virus! Doesn’t that sound like а samba tune? Swaying and dancing rhythmically. It is spreading like the virus of the day carried by the chicken, ducks, swans and all those migrant birds that set off from China, stop in Turkey, fly over Romania, Africa and France to reach the North and then fly back. Less lethal but equally pervasive like those small bombs called H5N1 which we don’t know how to stop and which are transported by air and disperse like pollen. We are living in the “information” age. Information that allows for a great amount of disinformation. Ever so permeating. This is it – virus. Tenyu Pindarev Jubilee exhibition24 March 2006 - 22 April 2006Tenyu Pindarev is one of the acknowledged senior artists among Bulgarian cartoonists. More than 60 years of creative activity have secured him an honorary place not only on the pages of all comic publications but also in the minds of thousands of viewers for whom the simplified, expressive humour has long become the trade mark of a unique and unforgettable style. Illustrator Lyuben Zidarov's The Complete and Incomplete Andersen11 March 2006 - 01 April 2006“I have illustrated Andersen’s fairy tales four times at different points of my career as an illustrator, which is a strong proof of how long I have carried this author inside. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 |
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