Лого на Софийска Градска Художествена Галерия
Анимация по време на зареждане


04 February 2016


Business and Art Together for the Benefit of People

27 January 2016

In 2016, a long-term Partner programme for culture and art was launched between the biggest copper producer in South-Eastern Europe, Aurubis Bulgaria, and Sofia City Art Gallery (SCAG). It is a good example for support of arts and a manifestation of cooperation between a cultural institution and one of the largest corporate sponsors in Bulgaria. The agreement provides for support aimed at modernization of the conditions for adequate presentation of expositions in the gallery and securing additional funding of significant exhibitions for a period of three years.

“Traditionally, Aurubis supports the development of arts and young talents. We promote cultural projects in the Sredna Gora region and believe that our cooperation with the gallery is a project with a long-term perspective, by which we will give an extra boost to the development of cultural life in Sofia”, said the Executive Director of Aurubis Bulgaria, Tim Kurth.

The Gallery will contribute to the organization of activities and events, part of the corporate social responsibility of Aurubis Bulgaria, which are aimed at supporting talented Bulgarian creators, culture and education. With the realization of this joint programme, we will prove that art and business could develop a successful cooperation for the benefit of people and society“, said Mrs. Adelina Fileva, Director of SCAG.



21 January 2016

The lecture will introduce you to the works of the early illustrators of Robert Louis Stevenson’s renowned adventure novel ever since its first publications in England and the US such as Frank Thayer Merrill, Georges Roux, Walter Paget and Newell Convers Wyeth, as well as to stories about the artist Lyuben Zidarov’s more than half-a-century old relationship with the book’s characters.


Visual Culture, Economy and Public Space as a Context for Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Art

11 November 2015

The lecture considers the work of the artist Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the context of the current issues in contemporary art – its relation to visual culture, the process of production and post-production, and the use of public space as a space of negotiation. Regardless of the fact that this author’s work and prominence are rooted in the early 1960’s, the presentation explores the relevance of the artist’s work now. The process of appearance and disappearance, of promotion and intimate sharing, of vision and realization in the works of this artist is a challenge to both the senses, and the intelligence of the audience, and not only the art audience at that. An art practice is only as relevant as the debate it generates – from this perspective Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s art is super relevant in Bulgaria. 

Luchezar Boyadjiev is an artist, curator and lecturer. His work is about visual culture and the process of globalization in art as issues and languages; about personal interpretations of public space and the visuality of the global city; about the ‘public vs. private’ in the artist’s inner world; as well as about fostering involvement with audiences through the breaking up of the local/global, the active/passive participant, and the artist/audience divides. His media are installation, photography, drawing, object, text, video and performative lecture. Recent exhibitions include: “Stand Out! …& Standstill!”, One Night Stand Gallery, Sofia (solo, 2014); “Commercial Show with a Non-Profit Goal”, 0gms–drawer Gallery, Sofia (solo, 2013); “Not a Library Artist either”, SALT Galata, Istanbul (solo, 2013); “Artist in the Storage”, City Art Gallery, Sofia (solo, 2010); “Inside Out – Not So White Cube”, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana; “The Grammar of Freedom: Five Lessons”, GARAGE MCA, Moscow; “Art for Change 1985-2015”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia (all in 2015); “Disconsent”, Ancient Bath – CCA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (2014); “Economics in Art”, MOCAK, Cracow (2013); “The Best of Times, the Worst of Times”, 1st Biennial, Kiev and “The Eye Never Sees itself”, 2nd Biennial, Yekaterinburg (2012); “The Global Contemporary”, ZKM, Karlsruhe (2011).

The lecturer has known Christo and Jeanne-Claude since the early 1980’s when he also started studying their work. He has participated in numerous conferences and has many publications on the subject such as: Boyadjiev, Luchezar. Christo & Jeanne-Claude – the Beauty (yours), the Money (theirs), the Publicity (everybody’s). In: Kultura Weekly, # 23 (2815), 12 June, 2015 


Christo Before Christo: In Search of the Artist's Bulgarian Roots

29 October 2015

7 p.m., Thursday, 29 October, Sofia City Art Gallery

Matthias Koddenberg (b. 1984) studied art history at the universities of Münster, Germany, and Zurich, Switzerland. Works as assistant curator at the Münster Museum of Pablo Picasso Art where he organises exhibitions of Honoré Daumier, Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso. Publishes texts on modern and contemporary art. A close friend of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's for many years. Author of "Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Prints and Objects. A Catalogue Raisonné". In 2009 he published "Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Early Works 1958-64", the first major study of that period. His most recent book, "Christo and Jeanne-Claude: In/Out Studio", was published in 2015.

Koddenberg's talk is part of the City Talks project of Goethe-Institut Bulgaria.

The talk will be given in German with simultaneous interpretation into Bulgarian (120 sets of earphones are available).

"Алиса в Огледалния Свят

14 May 2015

Книжарници  „ХЕЛИКОН“ и Софийската градска художествена галерия имат удоволствието да ви поканят на премиерата на книгата на Луис Карол   „АЛИСА В ОГЛЕДАЛНИЯ СВЯТ“ с великолепните илюстрации на ЯСЕН ГЮЗЕЛЕВ.

Представянето на книгата е на 14 май, четвъртък, от 18.30 часа и съвпада с изложбата му „Ретроспектива“, подредена на втория етаж в СГХГ.

"Алиса в Огледалния свят" е продължение на "Алиса в Страната на чудесата", в което малкото момиченце решава да види какво има от другата страна на огледалото във всекидневната и попада в Огледалния свят. Земята там е внушителна шахматна дъска и Алиса се включва в играта на шах, разигравана от обитателите на Огледалния свят. По пътя си Алиса среща много чудновати същества: говорещи цветя и животни, братята-близнаци Туидълдий и Туидълдум, Хъмпти-Дъмпти, Лъвът и Еднорогът, вестоносците Зай Ек и Шап Кар, Черният и Белият рицар, Черната и Бялата царица, Черният и Белият цар.
Колекционерското издание е илюстрирано от един от най-изтъкнатите

съвременни илюстратори- художника Ясен Гюзелев - "една от най-блестящите визуални интерпретации на "Алиса". /Американско списание за научна фантастика и фентъзи Locus/.


Това първо издание за България е реализирано с благодарение на


Освен премиерното издание на „Алиса в Огледалния свят“, книжарници „Хеликон“  предлагат нов тираж на „Алиса в Страната на чудесата“.

И двете книги можете да закупите в книжарници „Хеликон“ в цялата страна и на щанда за книги и албуми в СГХГ.


Concert on the 24th of May

24 March 2015


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